Joined our fleet in 2023 December, trading between the Mediterranean, Continent and West African ports.

General Info
Flag Barbados
Port of Registry Bridgetown
IMO Number 9419802
Call Sign 8PSO9
MMSI Number
Classification CRS
Type General Cargo
Built Date
Shipyard China
P&I Insured by West of England
H&M Insured by Anadolu Sigorta
Sailing Area A1 + A2 + A3
Ice Class
Main Particulars
Deadweight 8191.2
GRT / NRT 6494 / 2872
Lightship 3279.3
LOA / LBP 116,23 / 110 m
Breadth 18,00 m
Summer Draft 7,00 m
Freeboard 3,414 m
Depth Moulded 10,40 m
Air Draft in Ballast 26,80 m
Height from Keel to Mast 31,00 m
FW Allowance 158 mm
TPC SSW 18,2 t/cm
Distance WLHC in Ballast 8,68 m
Intake & Holds
DWCC 7500 mt
Number of Holds & Hatches 2 Holds &  2 Hatches
   Grain Hold 1   3976.6 CBM   -   140.429 CBFT
   Grain Hold 2   7728.2 CBM   -   272.913 CBFT
Grain Total 11704.8 CBM   -   413.342 CBFT
   Bale Hold 1   3968.6 CBM   -   140.147 CBFT
   ​Bale Hold 2   7712.8 CBM   -   272.369 CBFT
Bale Total 11681.4 CBM   -   412.516 CBFT
Hatch Type
Hatch 1 Dimensions 25,90 m X 15,00 m
Hatch 2 Dimensions 44,75 m X 15,00 m
Hold 1 Dimensions 27,30 m X 15,00 m
Hold 2 Dimensions 49,00 m X 15,00 m
Gears 2 x 35 mt, not combinable 
Tank Top Strenght 12.5 mt per squaremeter
Floor Space xxx under deck / xxx on deck
Holds Ventilations
Movable Bulkhead No
Container Capacity
Speed & Consumptions
Eco Speed - Laden 9,5 Knots
Eco Speed - Ballast 10,0 Knots
Eco Speed Consumption 6,50 mt MGO + 0,60 mt MGO
Full Speed - Laden 10,5 Knots
Full Speed - Ballast 11,0 Knots
Full Speed Consumption 7,00 mt MGO + 0,60 mt MGO
Idle Consumption at Port 0,60 mt MGO
Work Consumption at Port 1,60 mt MGO
Propulsion & Machinery
Main Engine DAIHATSU 8DKM-28
Main Engine Power 1 x 2500 kW at 750 rpm
Reduction Gear
Auxilary Engine 3 x 313 kW
Emergency Generator 1 x 75 kW
Bowthruster Not fitted
Propeller  1 x 4 Blades Pitch Controlled 1360 mm
Shaft Generator NIL
Pocket Plan
General Arrangement
Ship Particulars
Hold Photos
Container Plan